Why Am I Still Here?

I really really really want you to read this. If you read nothing else that I have written, please read this and share it with your family and friends.

Have you been thinking a lot about how nice it would be to die? To just escape this age of sin—shake the crazy dust off your feet—and be with the Lord? Are you asking why you are still in the earth at such a time when the evil of neopaganism has infiltrated our institutions and government? Does it seem like it would be better to give up and die? That is exactly what the enemy wants you to feel and think.

During the covid response, which as you know included forced social distancing, isolation of the elderly, and mandated medical interventions, a spiritual power play was quietly taking place. Part of that demonic power play was the removal of mature believers by causing them to die prematurely. And many did. Now, our spiritual enemy is targeting the prayer warriors who remain. He is after those seasoned warriors who are beseeching the Lord day and night for the lives and well-being of their families, friends, believers, and the lost.

Why is the devil targeting this group? I believe it is because the prayers of mature believers, the senior Christians who have been seasoned by the fire of life, is a mighty wall between the kingdom of darkness and the generations coming behind us.

If we give up and give in to a spirit of premature death—if we fail to choose life in these challenging times—the wall will be weakened if not fail completely.

Here is what Sam and I decided to do to resist the spirit of premature death. First, we decided to live and not die. As long as God has need of us, we will live. We will pray. We will stand for those generations coming behind us. We will declare that the young belong to the Lord and to no one else.

Then we adopted two very lively kittens as our outward commitment to life. They have filled our home with joy and a bit of youthful chaos.

Will you choose life with us? Will you remain in the earth so that you can do your part to maintain the wall that protects the young from being devoured by darkness? Will you stay here as long as the Lord has need of you?

I beg you. Please choose life. You are needed.

Pray with me:

Lord, I have longed to be with You and away from the fallen condition of this world.  I do not like what I see happening in the earth. I have been tempted to give up and die. But, I am choosing to remain and pray for those who are coming behind me. I will be part of the wall that protects others from evil. I will stay as long as You have need of me. Now, I ask You to renew my youth. Fill me with purpose and courage. Help me step up and take my place as Your prayer warrior. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget none of His benefits;

Who satisfies your years with good things,

So that your youth is renewed like the eagle.

Psalm 103:2 & 4-5

God bless,


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