An Angel Story

I am a convinced believer that I am surrounded by God’s angels and that one of their jobs is to protect me from physical harm. I am happy to go into the biblical support for this if you want. Shoot me an email. But I don’t want to go there in this article because I just want to tell a true story about a recent encounter with my angels.

My son and I were walking together one sunny morning. I have fidgety hands, so to give them something to do, I picked up a stick and was waving it around as we chatted. In the midst of making my enthusiastic point, I stuck the thing in my eye. It hurt! The next morning, again while goofing off with my son, I slammed my toe into the side of a heavy wooden bench. As I hopped upstairs, I angrily told off my angels for not protecting me. It was a classic toddler tantrum.

The next day, I felt bad about speaking so harshly to my angels, who are very good guys, so I repented, saying that I had not suffered any permanent damage and it was not their fault that I’m an idiot.

At which point, an angel manifested by my side—I was sitting down—patted me on the head and said with great kindness, “You are very young.”

Let us not forget that we all are very young! We are never too old to get about our Father’s business, praying and telling others about the good news.

Smiles and blessings,


For He will give His angels charge concerning you,

To guard you in all your ways.

Psalm 91:11

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