It Is NOT Too Late. Honest

Countering the attacks of the evil one.

Here is a shift in perspective for you. A shift that powers down a particular attack of the evil one. First, how many of you have had distressing thoughts about time running out? How many of you have agonized over the thought that you are too old and it is too late in life to be useful in the kingdom of God? How many of you are sad because you desperately wish that the truth you understand now is something you had understood back then (when you were younger)? You can put your hands down.

Here is what the enemy is up to. He is pressing your buttons in order to get a painful emotional response from you. He wants you to feel disappointment, despair, regret, anger, self-hatred, shame, and so on. Why does he bother pushing your buttons? What’s the point?

The enemy wants to suck the life energy that flows from your heart whenever you are experiencing painful emotions. This emotional energy (from lack of a less New Agey term) produces a measurable electromagnetic field that is being studied by medical researchers called neurocardiologists.

Here is what these researchers have found. When the emotional energy being produced by the heart is negative, the heart produces a discordant, or disordered, heart sine. On the other hand, when a person is at peace or grateful or in awe of something beautiful, the heart emits a harmonious heart beat that is called a coherent heart sine.

I have set the Lord continually before me … Therefore, my heart is glad and my glory rejoices. Psalm 16:8-9

The evil one is NOT able to prey upon the positive emotional energy produced by a heart at peace. Because he is cut off from the life of God and stripped of all power, he needs an alternative energy source. So, what is that source of life and power? It is the negative, disordered energy produced by a human heart in distress.

What does this have to do with the painful belief that the time you have left on earth is too little and too late?

Such thoughts about the meaning and purpose of your life being over are not God’s thoughts. They are a ruse by the devil to produce in you the distressing emotions that result in negative energy.

Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

This prophecy came forth in Little Church some time back. The one prophesying saw an old car on the side of the road and buried in weeds. From the look of things, this car was never going to be useful again, but then the motor roared to life (after a few cranks of the key) and a tow truck with a huge hook arrived and pulled that old car back onto the road. Here is the gist of the words prophesized:

You thought it was over. That you have been sidelined because you are old and useless, but that is not true. This car may be an Old-s-mobile, that was abandoned on the side of the road, but now it is a priceless antique, a showpiece, restored and ready to go. Don’t befooled by that roaring lion seeking someone to devour. God knew from the beginning the course of your life. If you have a day left on this earth, rejoice and follow the Lord. If you have 60 years left, rejoice and follow the Lord. Don’t let time sit on the throne of your life.

Let’s pray:

Father, God, Creator of heaven and earth and time. Forgive me for listening to the lies of the devil. He tricked me into focusing on time instead of focusing on You. Whatever time on earth I have left, Lord, does not matter. Help me follow You. In the beautiful and majestic name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I pray.

God bless you,


Originally published August 20, 2019

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