Lord God. I ask You for a clean safe place to this work. I ask that You lend us your wisdom, understanding and kindness. You are the healer, the deliverer, the teacher. Please guide us today.
Blocking vows are the promises we make to ourselves in an effort to manage pain. These kinds of vows do nothing to resolve pain. They only block access to what you really believe, causing the truth to be buried as deeply as possible.
If you are the one facing surgery have someone else instruct your spirit for you. If that is not an option, do it yourself. Don’t let any perceived shortfalls hold you back from moving into your dominion and authority as a child of God.
The number one reason that demons attack humans is found in Psalm 14:4; Psalm 53:4; Proverbs 4:17; Proverbs 30:13-14; 1 Peter 5:8, and Isaiah 42:22. These scriptures reveal that demons require sustenance. Because they are spirit only, they are not able to obtain energy by eating natural food. So, what do they eat?
What does justice and being made in the image of God have to do with forgiveness? Why do we get stuck in regret and how can we escape? Is there restoration for all the wrongs suffered and committed? Applying the power of the cross in explored here.
Have you ever wondered what bitterness is and how to avoid or recover from it? This e-booklet explains what bitterness is, what causes it and how to overcome it.